How Can I Contribute to Peace Church?


 We are always grateful for offers of time or particular gifts which can be used for the good of the Church as a whole.

Each October, we distribute a form asking people to review their contribution to the church family. A copy is enclosed for interest.

(If you would like to offer to help, please feel free to fill in the form at any time. It can be put in the offertory plate, handed to the Pastor or sent to the Church Office, Chiemgaustrasse 7, 81549 Munich)



Direct Donations

If you wish to make a donation right away, just klick on the donation button.

Donations in Cash

An offering is taken each Sunday morning and cash can be donated either loose or in an envelope. If members of the congregation are able to give and set a monthly amount to Peace Church, this helps enormously with our financial planning.

At the end of our October focus on giving to God, our African-style Harvest Festival is a special opportunity to give to the work here at Peace Church.


Bank transfer or Standing Order to our Bank Account

If you wish to donate through the banking system, our account is:

Kreissparkasse München Starnberg

IBAN: DE47 7025 0150 0009 0883 94

BIC:   BYLADEM1KMS (München)


Donation Certificates

You will receive a donation certificate for personalized donations usually during the first quarter after the current financial year.



Friends of Peace Church is a scheme for people who have a connection to Peace Church but are no longer active members or attendees. It is a way for us to keep in touch, pray and support each other.

Find out more…


If you are interested in becoming a full member of PEACE CHURCH UNITED METHODIST, click here for more information.

Time and Talents Survey / Pledge Card

Time Talents Form 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 97.3 KB
Pledge Card 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 95.3 KB

Read more about giving money to Peace Church

About giving money to Peace Church.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 45.1 KB

You mean I can support the Church without giving any more money..?

Any one who shops online – either regularly or only occasionally – can now support our Church at the same time.


We have set up a “DONATIONS SHOP” on the following website: .


Here’s how you do it:

  • Always go first to this website:
  • No registration is required.
  • You will find over 6,200 online shops . You will doubtlessly recognise many of them, such as ebay, zalando, jokers, Deutsche Bahn when you buy a Bahncard, flight tickets, Hess-Natur, Hagebau, Viking Büroartikel (may be of interest for your company or office) ... Purchases of books at  generate 9% donations for Peace Church. Click your way through to see what’s on offer!
  • To shop, start by clicking on the logo of the shop at which you wish to make your purchase.
  • The non-profit-making, fund-raising portal, Bildungsspender, will receive a credit. The total amount of the credits without any deductions is then paid to us.
  • You do not pay a single cent more for your purchase than you would if you went directly to the shop’s website – you just need to make a short detour via
  • Tell your friends and work colleagues and people you meet about it – they can donate to the Church without giving any money!
  • Or you could ask your manager or colleague at work whether your firm could, for example, purchase its office supplies via our shop. As we mentioned, it doesn’t cost a single cent more – just an extra click ...
  • If you have an automatic signature at the bottom of your e-mails, you could simply add this useful tip!

Thanks for your help!